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The team has entered the Turkish commercial life with EMESYS, which was established in ODTU Teknokent 14 years ago, in 2002 as a result of the experiences gained by the projects for long years abroad.

Team follows the innovations with their creativeness, investigative and curious spirit. They are a team that loves to be the first in their interests and research fields via their products produced as a result of hardwork in the fields of long accumulated knowledge and experience. 

They have initiated an ambitious business with 3D4E (3D for Everybody).

As Windows has suggested “a Windows for each computer” 30 years ago, 

As it is mentioned "There will be at least one computer and one printer at each home in 10 years time" 25 years ago,

They’ve suggested, "there will be a 3D printer in every house soon".

In 2010, they have followed the developments in this field, especially in the USA, and they dreamed.

In 2012,  the team produced their first prototype and developed their product.

In 2013, they made their first sale.

In 2014 and 2015, they produced their original designs and now here they are.

They are happy…

Their 3D printers created by the designs of Turkish engineers and workers are working better when compared with the similar products.

They are proud…

Their products are in schools, work places and houses.

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